
Happy Campers

Summer lives on with the three 'Happy Campers'- S'more, Firefly, and Pudgie Pie. They are pint-size spirits.  Well, at least their 'leader' is...

First there's S'more, the little white fox.  She is the tiniest of the siblings and can turn on the waterworks when needed. She likes to run around with a friend, but if her toe gets stepped on or a hair is displaced she cries out in injustice! Just wails.  When you go to administer 'first aid' (hugs and kisses) she suddenly heals and is back to the races.  She is a cutie pie with one ear up and one ear down most of the time. When both ears are up, she becomes the little white fox.

The big boy, Firefly -Secret Service name 'Blue eye White dragon'.  This guy is stunning, one blue eye, one green.  With his mysterious gaze and shaggy yet perfectly mussed hair, he could be a model.  Not the cutsie, 'put me on a puppy chow bag' model but rather the 'walking the runway in Milan on Fashion Week' look. Then there's the waggy tail, wears his heart on his sleeve love, and the need for hugs and scratches from mom.  When their favorite game was 'run from mom' he always snuck back for a hug and cuddle!  The girls would look at him with confusion and he would just look back like 'what? It's nice to get picked up and cuddled!'  Toys get gathered and collected in his foster brother's food dish, he prefers to chew his chewies while they're in the dish. He's a good boy.

Then there's Pudgie Pie - the leader of the pack.  If there's an injustice, like bedtime, she will let you know.  She is the bossy 'big sister' who decides who gets to play with what toy, and when.  But then one of her bigger Foster brothers comes in and takes it from her and she's back to being a little puppy.  She is an energetic pup who likes to run alongside the big dog while he plays fetch.  She is good at 'sit' and is beginning to understand why Firefly likes to get picked up, hugs and kisses are nice to get sometimes.  
These puppies are ready for their Forever Family!  They are silly, lovable pups who will turn heads wherever you take them.