
The first 24 hours

Grenache has been with us for 24 hours now and she is a doll!   She is tiny but certainly has a presence when she's in the room.  She loves to be snuggled, will come sit on your lap, and likes being held.  She gets along well with our dogs, a Jack Russell and an Aussie mix; she is not at all skittish and will run along side them in the yard.  Her favorite thing today was watching 'Chicken TV'.  She ran around their enclosure and barked a little, but mostly stared at them as they walked about. 
I don't think she is used to sleeping in crate given how she carried on last night, but eventually she fell asleep and we found her in it a couple of times today napping or chewing on a toy.  No accidents today, but we did spend a lot of time outside.

                                         When in Green Bay.....

                                                       In a snuggle trance....